Making Bed Decoration and Towel Art Competition
The purpose of organizing this competition is to discover outstanding talents in the field of Housekeeping. Each participant must demonstrate the ability to maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of a bedroom within the given timeframe, exhibit creativity in crafting towel art and decorations.
Special Provisions
This competition is team-based, with each team consisting of 2 members.
Participants must be active students majoring in hospitality/tourism, as evidenced by their Student ID Cards (Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa or KTM) or Student Verification Letters (Surat Keterangan Mahasiswa or SKM).
Each university is allowed to send a maximum of 2 teams.
Any participant who cannot attend the competition or arrives late will be disqualified.
All participants are required to attend the virtual technical meeting.
Rules and Regulation
This competition will be carried out in a single round. Here are the rules and regulations for the Making Bed Decoration & Towel Art Competition:
Rules & Regulation:
The competition will involve 4-5 participating teams. Each team must complete making a bed decoration & towel art using 1 double size bed with a Duvet, while explaining the related theme.
One session will last for approximately 21 minutes, with the following breakdown:
Sheet and Grooming Check: 2 minutes
Making Bed Decoration & Towel Art: 15 minutes
Theme Speech: 2 minutes
Study Case: 2 minutes
The provided linen includes: Sheet, Duvet, 2 bath Towels, 2 hand Towels, 2 face Towels, 2 Bath Mats, and 1 Bed Runner.
Each team consists of 2 members, with one member performing the Making Bed task and the other member doing the Towel Art.
Teams are allowed to bring their own towels and add additional ornaments.
Other decoration tools will not be provided by the organizing committee and should be brought by the participants themselves.
DO NOT bring accessories that may damage or soil the linen, such as glue, needles, fresh flowers, and dusty or sticky leaves.
The Making Bed standard operating procedure (SOP) is attached.
After the round concludes, the participants who qualify as winners will be announced. All competitions will be judged by a panel of judges based on evaluation criteria (Evaluation Criteria attached).
Scoring Criteria
Here are the points that will be used for evaluation during the event:
A. Attitude
B. Making Bed
Duration / Speed
Overall Look
C. Bed Decoration & Towel Art
Duration / Speed
Overall Look
D. Knowledge
Relevance in answering questions
Communication skill
2. Uniform/Dress Code in Compliance with Standard Grooming
Grooming for Men:
Short, neat, and wet-look hairstyle.
No mustache, beard, or goatee beyond the ear.
Neat clothing.
White undershirt.
Trousers in proper condition (one line) with a belt.
Black polished formal shoes.
Black socks.
Short nails.
No body odor.
Grooming for Woman:
Long hair should be tied up, and no strands should be left loose. Short hair should have a wet-look.
Neat clothing.
Trousers in proper condition (one line) with a belt.
Black polished flat shoes.
Women do not need to wear socks.
Short nails.
No body odor.
3. Points to Consider:
Every participant must complete the re-registration process on the event day before entering the competition venue, at the registration table, where they will be guided to their respective positions.
The drawing of participant numbers will be conducted during the Technical Meeting.
Any details not covered above will be explained during the technical meeting and on the day of the event.
All participants are required to maintain courtesy and orderliness throughout the event.