Rules & Regulation
1. The competition is held offline according to the place & time of implementation.
2. The competition is held in the form of a "written test" in accordance with the theme used, namely "norms & rules in financial accounting standards & uniform system of account for lodging industry".
3. The written test is carried out in the form of "multiple choice & essay".
4. Participants are required to write all the stationery personally.
5. Participants are only allowed to use tools such as calculators.
6. Participants are required to arrive 15 minutes before the competition starts.
7. The time given to participants to work on the test questions is "90 minutes".
8. Participants are not welcome to leave the room before the completion of the testquestions
9. The results of the jury's assessment are final and cannot be contested.
Competition Flow
1. Arrival (15 minutes before the competition starts)
2. Filling participant attendance and placement of participant seats
3. Submission of questions and answer sheets
4. Implementation of the competition (90 Minutes)
5. Collection of answer sheets
6. Jury Rating
7. Pause judging by the jury for 2 hours
8. Participants return to the room after a break
9. Announcement of the winner by the jury