Rules & Regulation
The submission of the completed registration form signifies agreement to comply with the Rules & Regulations of the 5th NTSC 2023 Competition.
An individual competitor can participate in as many classes as they wish but is limited to one entcry per class.
Every participant must always wear the proper Chef Uniform when in the competition area or during the competition and it must be clean, neat, well-maintained, and tidy. You must wash your hands at the beginning, between tasks, and at the end after cleaning.
No change of classes will be allowed. Please notify the Organizer if you wish to cancel your application. In the event, participants who are absent without prior written notice to the organizers will have their applications rejected in the future.
To avoid having their applications withdrawn from the competition without notice, competitors are responsible for informing the Organizer if they change companies or contact details. It is difficult to maintain competitors on the list if we cannot reach them. Companies that register and pay for competitors have the right to substitute staff who have left their employment. Staff who leave the company are considered removed from the competition registration list. The company may substitute another participant for the same class registered if the participant leaves the company before the event.
Participants who register for more than one class must register at the Secretariat on-site only once (on their last class day) to collect their Participation Certificates. Certificates that are not collected will be discarded three weeks after the event.
The competition display area inside the Event Hall will be open to competitors starting at 07:00. All packing/exhibition debris must be removed from the display area before judging begins.
Competitors and their assistants are strictly not allowed to leave belongings on exhibition booths or use furniture there for lounging during the set-up and judging hours.
Individual competitors must be present at least 30 minutes before the designated time and inform the committee team in the Kitchen Area about their arrival. If stations are available, they may be allocated for early arrivals. Participants who are not present at the scheduled time will be considered absent and disqualified.
Chef attire is mandatory during the competition and all official events. The company name/logo should not be visible to the judges during the judging process. It can be included or placed on the uniform after the judging is completed.
Competitors who bring their displays on the wrong day will not be judged. Please refer to the final schedule for your competition date. It will be sent to you in due course.
Competitors are to note that points will be deducted if the complete display is not kept within the space limit specified for the classes.’
Official ingredient/recipe forms will be sent to Individual competitors. These should be placed next to the display/plate if the rules require it. The organizers do not require copies but reserve the right to request them.
For the display section, a theme or name must be provided for the exhibition. Name cards for the display table should be without the company logo, with a size not exceeding 30cm x 10cm.
All plate ware used for the competition should without logo.
The organizers have the right to all recipes used and photos taken at the event. Any publication, reproduction, or copying of the recipes can only be done with their approval.
If an award is won, participants must ensure their presence or representation from the same venue at the ceremony to receive it. All awards must be received in chef/team uniform. Trophies/medals/certificates not received at the ceremony will be forfeited three weeks after the event.
The Organizer reserves the right to remove display exhibits if deterioration beyond acceptable standards has taken place.
To avoid disqualification, entries in the showcase must be accessible to the judges. Displaying decorations or adornments on the wall panels is not permitted.
The organizers will not be held responsible for any damage or loss of displays, equipment, utensils, or personal belongings of the competitors.
Competitors contravening any of the Rules and Regulations of the event may be disqualified.
The organizers have the right to rescind, modify, or add any of the above rules and regulations, and their interpretation thereof is final. They also reserve the right to limit the number of entries per class, make changes to any section of the competition, modify any rules, cancel any classes or competitions, or cancel/postpone the entire competition event if deemed necessary.
The Organizer will arrange schedule of competition and send to all participants. Schedule of competition can be changed or modified due to the situation and volume of competition.
Theme of Decoration: Futuristic
Dummy should be either Round (30 cm diameter) or a Square (30 cm x 30 cm), Only 1 tier is allowed
No pre-molded materials are allowed i.e., Flowers, Chocolate pieces, Marzipan or Plastic decorations.
Must Use Fondant (and can be combined with Marzipan) to Dress the Cake.
Table space allocated: 120 cm x 90 cm
Display accessories may be set up before starting
Clear up will be after 4 PM on the same day
• Live
Competition Class
Mise en place and Cleanliness
Presentation and General Impression
Technique and Degree of Difficulty
0 - 20 points
0 - 40 points
0 - 40 points
Maximum 100 points